Saturday 10 July 2010

A Song For Today #2 - CocoRosie - Lemonade

In a world where everything and everyone is becoming more alike with each passing day the need to find strangers is greater than ever. CocoRosie are beautifully strange, like the magical circus in old books, like recurring dreams that you can almost live in, with words from half heard ends of lullabies’ sprinkled on top.

Monday 5 July 2010

A Song For Today #1 - Art Brut - DC Comics and Chocolate Milkshake

"I'm in love with a girl in my comic shop / She's a girl who likes comics /She probably gets that a lot"

Today I woke up at 2:30, had some strawberry milkshake, watched Batman and Superman for a few hours and then played football until the light faded. And like Eddie Argos I've often been accused of having Peter Pan Syndrome...